ShuffleLabs & Classy Integration

Have unique or complex integration needs?

Nonprofits Use ShuffleLabs Integration
Solutions + Classy to

Save Time

Efficiently and accurately sync data between Classy and your CRM.

Maintain Control

Decide what data flows between systems, when, and how.

Eliminate Errors

Automate business rules and prevent duplicates.

Personalize Communication

Achieve better acquisition, retention, and long-term results.

Nonprofits that Leverage ShuffleLabs
Solutions + Classy

501ciso: Cybersecurity for Nonprofits.

501ciso: Cybersecurity for Nonprofits.

Common CRM / AMS Solution Integrations Include

Need help? The ShuffleExchange professional services
team can help you to set up the integrations
Contact us for more information.

Case Studies